Rochester, NY – Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy has proposed a city takeover of the city school district. The move, if approved by the state legislature, would make the district a department within the city. While the mayor's office is not returning call Read More
Month: September 2010
Which is the chicken and which is the egg is unclear, but the Empire Center for Public Policy and Republican John Faso each have proposed a most sensible way for state and local governments to buy time to deal with imploding budgets. It is this: Read More
School districts on Long Island and across New York State dodged a bullet last month when the legislature rejected Gov. David A. Paterson's call for a midyear cut in K-12 education aid. But their luck is about to run out. Savvy school officials al Read More
School districts on Long Island and across New York State dodged a bullet last month when the legislature rejected Gov. David A. Paterson’s call for a midyear cut in K-12 education aid. But their luck is about to run out. Read More
New York Gov. David Paterson proposed a state budget on Tuesday that uses a wide array of spending cuts, plus $1 billion of new taxes, to erase the state’s deficit. The proposed budget for the state’s 2010-11 fiscal year totals $134 billion, a Read More
The $134 billion state budget Gov. David Paterson proposed Tuesday is likely to undergo many changes before the state’s final 2010-11 spending plan is approved by legislators – and it usually goes up. During the previous five years, the budget Read More
New York Gov. David Paterson released a budget proposal Tuesday that seeks a 5 percent cut in school aid, as well as $1 billion in new taxes and fees. The $134 billion budget also addresses a $7.4 billion deficit. In addition to a $1.1 billion cut Read More
Back in 1975, as he took office, I heard Gov. Hugh Carey warn the Legislature and the people of New York: “The times of plenty, the days of wine and roses are over.” Thirty-five years later, Gov. David Paterson is trying to send a similar mess Read More