A recent report from the Empire Center shows the average New York state teacher who retired after working 30 years for the state’s public schools collected an average of $67,476 per year in pension income, which is not subject to state income tax or federal payroll tax. These pension recipients are also eligible for Social Security and often have free or low- cost health insurance.
The Empire Center, an Albany-based independent think tank, broke down the average New York state pension payouts by region. Recipients receive an average of $55,824 per year in the Mohawk Valley.
New York state’s teacher pension system is a generous retirement program out of step with the reality of the way most New York state citizens employed in the private sector live, work and, if they’re lucky, someday retire.
It’s an insult to taxpayers in our region that the average teacher pension payout exceeds the median income level in both Johnstown and Gloversville. This system is unsustainable and a prime example of the kind of uncontrollable spending that occurs when special interests like the state teachers union manipulate legislators in Albany through campaign contributions.
New York state should take a page out of the recent reforms being implemented by the U.S. military and replace the absurdly generous lifetime guaranteed pension program with a 401k program similar to the ones used by many companies in the private sector. The state also should require school district employees to contribute to the funds themselves at rates that track the contribution levels typical in the private sector in order to receive a matching contribution from the district. This system should be implemented for all new hires.