At least 10 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officers—including some who successfully sued the authority—collected total pay of at least $300,000 last year, according to new payroll data posted at, the Empire Center’s government transparency website.
The latest addition to the SeeThroughNY database includes pay records for 7,846 Port Authority employees in 2014. A list of the 100 highest-paid Port Authority employees is available here.
Nicholas Yum, a lieutenant with the Port Authority, was paid $402,812 during 2014—more than three times his base pay of $114,471. According to news accounts, Yum was one of several successful plaintiffs in a 2005 lawsuit against the Port Authority that alleged discrimination in the promotion process. Yum was joined in the top three by George Martinez, a fellow plaintiff who was paid $336,484, and William Korbul, who was paid $334,181. It is unclear whether the amounts include the back pay reportedly awarded by the court several years ago.
A dozen employees, all police with base pay rates below $125,000, were paid more than the $289,667 salary of Executive Director Patrick Foye. is a project of the Empire Center for Public Policy, a non-partisan think tank. Visitors can search payroll and pension records from local and state employers as well as school contracts and legislative expenditures.
This press release is part of the Empire Center’s participation in Sunshine Week, a nationwide effort to promote access to public information.