STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — While enrollment in New York State’s public schools will be at its lowest in nearly 30 years, enrollment in New York City’s public schools continues to grow, according to a new report.
The report — released Tuesday by Empire Center, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in Albany — found that 100 districts in the state’s nearly 700 public school districts had increased enrollment from 2008-2009 to 2018-2019, including New York City’s five boroughs.
In New York City public schools, enrollment has increased 1.33% from 2008-2009 with 981,940 pupils to 2018-2019 with 994,953 pupils.
But New York State public school enrollment is at its lowest, with 2,578,135 students in schools in 2018-2019 — down more than 30,000 students than the year before. This is the lowest enrollment since the 1990-1991 count of 2,540,944 pupils, according to numbers from the State Education Department.
Empire Center said U.S. Census data has shown a continued decline in the state’s population of school-age children in 2018, which means that enrollment can continue to decrease.
In the last 10 years, school enrollments have been shrinking the fastest in upstate rural counties, while increases were seen in mostly downstate counties. Empire Center said in its report that these enrollment trends highlight the need of innovative reforms in the state.
In Staten Island, hundreds of new school seats are expected to be added as the city tackles overcrowding in schools and a growing population. The city’s Capital Plan includes funding for approximately 56,900 total seats for elementary, intermediate and high schools citywide over the next five years.
New schools are being constructed on Staten Island, new charter schools are admitting students and other school seats may be acquired by leasing and renovating space.
Stephen T. Watson
This year's school elections were delayed and then shifted entirely to voting by mail thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, which also shut down schools here and across the country.
District officials worried this new method of Read More
Earlier this week, the Empire Center did its own report on the plummeting numbers when it comes to students. Overall, the 2019-20 enrollment is at its lowest levels in New York state in the last 30 years. Read More
As reported by the Empire Center last week, “The number of students enrolled in New York state public schools is the lowest recorded in 30 years.”
Since 2000, enrollment in public schools has declined by more than 10 percent statewide with most of it upstate as enrollment in New York City schools has increased 1.3 percent in the last 10 years. Students are not leaving to go to private or parochial schools either because they, too, are showing declines, down about 8 percent in the last decade. Read More
Mount Morris had the highest increase among any district outside of New York City, according to a report released Tuesday by The Empire Center for Public Policy in Albany. Read More
According to a report from the Empire Center released Wednesday, public school enrollment statewide for the 2018-2019 school year has decreased to levels not seen since the early 1990s. The last school year saw a drop alone of 30,338 pupils from the previous school year. Read More
SYRACUSE, NY — Public school enrollment in New York is lower than it’s been since the early 90s, according to data compiled over a 10 year period by the Empire Center, a public policy non-profit organization in Albany. Read More
Where have all the kids gone?
The number of students enrolled in New York state public schools is the lowest recorded in 30 years, a new Empire Center for Public Policy study released Tuesday reveals. Read More
Think the problem’s skimpy funding? Sorry: In 2017, the Empire Center’s E.J. McMahon reported in May, New York shelled out 89% more per kid than the national average. And that gap has been growing fast: In 1997, per-pupil outlays here were just 45% above average. Read More