Tag: David Paterson

What does a tiny Arab emirate have in common with the NBA's worst team, which currently plays in New Jersey?  And why should the answer matter to a taxpayer in Buffalo or Syracuse?  Nicole in today's New York Post. Read More

Governor Paterson today that New York State faces "an unprecedented financial emergency," and asked the Legislature to choose between passing his deficit-reduction plan or granting him a new "executive option" to cut the budget unilaterally.  But t Read More

Josh Barro of Manhattan Institute has a strong at RealClearMarkets digging more deeply into the Rockefeller Institute's on quarterly state tax collections.  Key take-away: "states without income taxes are generally showing admirable (and unsurpris Read More

A few thoughts on the late-breaking Albany deal to pass the so-called , now stalled for good reason in the Senate after passing in the Assembly: Not for the first time, some of New York's well-meaning are being suckered by a bill title.  Like most Read More

in today's New York Post explains why—and how—the Paterson administration should declare a fiscal emergency and seek to impose a three-year freeze on all state and local employee salaries in New York.  This would save taxpayers statewid Read More

When this year's state budget was first enacted back in April, the budget gap for fiscal 2010-11 was at $2.17 billion.  The in July more than doubled this estimate, to $4.62 billion.   And today's says next year's gap has grown by another 47 per Read More

Governor Paterson has now all but formally abandoned .  Instead, he has tucked a hopelessly byzantine variation of the cap into that would kick in when (or if) the state ever has some extra money sitting around again. So, in place of Paterson is Read More