Tag: David Paterson

New York is at the top of the debt list in the latest U.S. Census data on state and local government finances. As of 2009, New York’s state and local long-term indebtedness came to $15,202 per-capita, more than any state and 74 percent above the national average. Read More

AUTHOR’S NOTE: PLEASE SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT CORRECTIONS TO THIS POST IN BOLD.In May, after months of turmoil, Albany agreed to a new package of taxes for the state-run Metropolitan Transportation Aut Read More

As E.J. notes in the post below this one, Gov. Paterson says he thinks Wall Street bonuses could be down as much as 60 percent, higher than his budget office's expected 43 percent decline. To put this estimate in perspective: after the tech bubble Read More

Governor Paterson is reportedly close to striking a deal with state employee labor unions under which the governor will drop his plan to layoff off over 7,000 state workers in exchange for the unions' acquiescence to (a) Read More

If the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is right, Governor David Paterson's economic and fiscal projections for New York State are not gloomy enough.  The CBO expects higher unemployment and a somewhat slower recovery than Paterson's budget has pro Read More

An anonymous Paterson Administration official is in today's Albany Times Union as predicting that the governor's budget proposal would include an “aggressive set of cuts” that will leave “blood in the streets.”   Maybe he meant ke Read More

The Post's Fred Dicker today that Paterson administration budget officials now believe New York State's 2008-09 budget gap will be in the neighborhood of $7 billion, up from a projected $5.5 billion in the wake of the Legislature's August s Read More

Given , it should come as no surprise that the state's is forecasting a  $2.1 billion deficit for the current fiscal year.   But some of the financial details released by the Division of the Budget (DOB) today are getting even more worrisome. Read More