Just in time to further debunk claims that the wealthy don't pay their "fair share" of New York State taxes, the Assembly Majority Ways and Means staff has issued a pessimistic new assessment of the economic outlook ("bleak") and revenue forecast (si Read More
Tag: Public Finance
Over at , Larry Littlefield has posted a of "the issue no one wants to talk about" — i.e., the extent to which state and federal tax policies favor the old over the young. Read More
House Democrats in Washington, D.C., claim their will require for how the added money is spent. In reality, they’re pushing an unprecedented intrusion by the federal government into state and local decision-making on how to reallocate scarce re Read More
NYU prof Thomas Philippon and U-VA Prof Ariell Reshef have written a tracing the trajectory of wages in the American financial sector over the last century. Not surprisingly, financial-industry wages broke away from the rest of the economy starting i Read More
The best fiscal news for New York in ages is that three and a half years ago, the city lost its bid to host the 2012 Olympics. This week, the UK, which won the bid, , because the private partners couldn't find financing for the "Olympic Village" a Read More
The Times that New York City's Industrial Development Agency is preparing to issue an additional $341.2 million in tax-exempt financing "on behalf of the Yankees and Mets" to finish building their new ballparks, in addition to the more tha Read More
Just for fun, our friends at Municipal Market Advisors have looked at how municipal bonds fared during the Great Depression. Read More
Devastated by the specter of Albany's slash-and-burn budget tactics, New York's health sector struggles for survival in a recession-wracked world. As today's Times : A major hospital trade association, one of New York City’s most ag Read More