Gov. Cuomo's tax-hike package -- according to him -- is an "extraordinary benefit to the state ... that the state desperately, desperately needs to help turn around this economy." E.J.'s been covering all the reasons why and turn around "this eco Read More
Tag: Transparency
E.J. McMahon, president of the Empire Center for New York State Policy in Albany, said that governors for at least 30 years have used state agencies to fund staff in the executive chamber as a way to conceal the true size of the governor's staff. But having state authorities like NYSERDA, which is funded by utility fees, pay for the governor's staff, is taking that a step further. "I think it's another degree of inappropriateness," McMahon said. "It's just another way of using an authority as a cash cow." Read More
For the first time ever, Nassau Comptroller George Maragos has posted all 2013 contracts online, listing the vendor name, the amount and a description of the project -- though the list of more than $700 million in contracts is not yet searchable or sortable. Maragos said the list posted on the comptroller's public Facebook page will be updated weekly as new contracts are approved and vendor claims are paid. E.J. McMahon, president of the Empire Center for Public Policy, a conservative think tank, questioned why Maragos is posting the information on Facebook rather than the county website. "A Facebook page is somewhat self-promotional for him," McMahon said. He also noted the list was not searchable or sortable. Read More
One month after the sudden departure of its superintendent and high school principal, the Cassadaga Valley Central School District has disclosed the terms of agreements with its former administrators. Read More
The Empire Center’s Explore Your State Budget app has been updated to reflect the state’s mid-year financial report for fiscal 2014. This online database of New York state budget information, which is accessible through the Center’s SeeThroughNY website, includes actual results, estimates and projections for major spending and tax categories from 2012 until fiscal 2017. Additionally, the tool contains annual disbursements dating back to 1984 and tax receipts since 1976. Read More
In the realm of education, the best place to be from a financial standpoint is in an administrative role. According to information gathered from SeeThroughNY, superintendents are the highest paid employees in 15 of 18 Chautauqua County school districts as of this year - with other high-ranking positions rounding out the rest. Read More
Policymakers throughout New York are finding it increasingly difficult to balance their budgets in the face of a depressed economy. The newly enacted tax cap has helped shine a light on the unsustainable budgeting, compensation and spending practices that are plaguing New York’s municipalities. Read More
New York's State Legislature spent over $102 million during the six-month period ending last March, according to the latest legislative expenditure data posted at SeeThroughNY. The expenditure information, which goes back to 2007, can be sorted by reporting period, expenditure type, and member name. Users can also isolate spending for individual units of the Legislature's central staff. Read More