
Just in time to further debunk claims that the wealthy don't pay their "fair share" of New York State taxes, the Assembly Majority Ways and Means staff has issued a pessimistic new assessment of the economic outlook ("bleak") and revenue forecast (si Read More

Gotham Gazette has launched a new game: "." It presents almost infinite choices on how to cut city spending, as well as every politician's favorite proposed tax hike and how much money it could raise or not. The game is useful not only for the pure f Read More

The has issued a new study documenting the continued flight of the middle-class from New York City.  offers valuable data, insights and anecdotes.  But, in something of a CUF tradition, it strives mightily to downplay the role of taxes in creatin Read More

Today's on the lessons that America can draw from Japan's experience in investing in public works as economic stimulus made some good points. However, some of the numbers the article cites -- on which kind of public investments deliver the great Read More