
Governor David Paterson is being pressured by some of his fellow Democrats to raise income taxes on the wealthiest households in response to New York States $13 billion state budget gap. Read More

Over at , Larry Littlefield has posted a of "the issue no one wants to talk about" — i.e., the extent to which state and federal tax policies favor the old over the young. Read More

New York's public employee unions are spearheading a campaign to raise state income taxes on the wealthiest households as an alternative to Gov. David Paterson's proposed budget cuts. Read More

The has issued a new study documenting the continued flight of the middle-class from New York City.  offers valuable data, insights and anecdotes.  But, in something of a CUF tradition, it strives mightily to downplay the role of taxes in creatin Read More

Today's on the lessons that America can draw from Japan's experience in investing in public works as economic stimulus made some good points. However, some of the numbers the article cites -- on which kind of public investments deliver the great Read More

Nicole is in today's New York Post with an highlighting the weaknesses of the "doomsday budget" unveiled last Friday by Mayor Bloomberg. Read More

Mayor Bloomberg announced his budget this afternoon for the fiscal year that starts in July. The mayor expects that a combination of federal stimulus, state funds, tax hikes, spending cuts, and labor givebacks will close a $4 billion budget gap tha Read More

When Kodak its latest round of mass layoffs yesterday, the company's in Rochester gave the news prominent play on its web page — right next to an reporting that the city "has finally received approval on a $4 million state grant for Rochester’ Read More

New York City's economy contracted 5.5 percent in the fourth quarter from the same period a year earlier, after a 2.7 percent contraction in the third quarter, according to the . The most recent figure is the worst in the nearly two decades since th Read More