In double-barreled editorials, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle argues the state Legislature should freeze state employee salaries–and repeal the Triborough Amendment.
No member of the Legislature has introduced a bill to repeal Triborough during the current session.
But a number of Rochester-area legislators appear to support pushing government workers to make sacrifices–salary freezes, furloughs or other concessions–to help close the state’s $9 billon budget gap (here).
Among them: Assemblymen Joseph Errigo, David Gantt, Steve Hawley, Brian Kolb, Joseph Morrelle and Robert Oaks.
“I believe that the public workers should first understand that today is a different day and this budget crisis is truly a crisis,” wrote Gantt, recalling his days as both a union member and health center administrator.
In calling for a wage freeze, the D&C writes (here):
It’s patently unfair that most New York public workers aren’t making the kind of sacrifices commonplace among the people who foot the bulk of bills for their salaries and benefits–taxpayers.
Across the Rochester region, 16,500 jobs have been lost since 2007….During the same period, state and local government jobs in the region increased by 2,300.
In a second editorial, the newspaper tackles the Triborough Amendment, which governs collective bargaining agreements between government entities and public employee unions in New York (here). It says that if a contract expires, the terms and conditions of the contract (including step or longevity raises) must continue. The editorial observes “That means there’s little incentive for unions to settle contract disputes.”
Originally Published: NY Public Payroll Watch
The Democrat & Chronicle’s three-page special report, published Sunday, includes brief essays by an array of New Yorkers.
- N.Y. public workers thrived amid misery (Empire Center), here.
- Law helps prevent extended labor disputes (Richard Iannuzzi, NYS United Teachers), here.
- State employees not ‘special interest group’ (State University employee), here.
- Unions should make sacrifices (Retired teacher), here.
- Public workers don’t complain about private-sector benefits (Rochester city employee), here.
- No bonus for public employees in good times (Irondequoit teacher), here.
- More view from public workers, here.
- Audio: E.J. McMahon on the state’s budget crisis, here.