Florida is luring more than just New York’s residents. It’s also absorbing a growing pile of cash from the state’s largest pension. Read More
Tag: Taxes and Spending
More than $700 million in tax breaks and other state resources awarded to developers last month in exchange for promises to create jobs included more than $3 million for a LegoLand theme park in the lower Hudson Valley, $1.5 million for a National Comedy Center in Lucille Ball’s hometown of Jamestown and $4.7 million to build a commercial building next to the Wyandanch rail station. Read More
The agenda in almost every capital this legislative year will include a discussion about how – not if – to increase spending on roads and bridges. Read More
Governor Andrew Cuomo eliminated funding of new "member item" spending when he took office four years ago—but the Ghost of Pork Barrels Past continues to haunt the state's finances. Each of Cuomo's first four Executive Budget proposals projected the depletion and elimination of what's technically known as the "Community Projects Fund - 007" -- but every year, the enacted budget has restored the money to back up reappropriations of the member item lump sum. Read More
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's 2015-16 budget proposal released Wednesday called for tax breaks for middle-class New Yorkers and small businesses as well as increasing the minimum wage and spending a third of a $5.4 billion surplus on New York City-area mass transit. Read More
Now that a consultant has recommended four locations for a possible new stadium for the Buffalo Bills, a big question leaps out: Who would pay? Read More
The impact of declining crude oil prices, already visible at the gas pump, has now rippled through to New York State’s petroleum business tax (PBT). Effective Jan. 1, the PBT on motor fuel has dropped by a whopping six-tenths of a penny, to 17.8 cents per gallon from 18.4 cents per gallon, according to the state Department of Taxation and Finance. Read More
The highest earning school official in the Mohawk Valley raked in nearly $200,000 last year. That’s almost $20,000 more than Gov. Andrew Cuomo grosses. It’s about three times as much as Utica Mayor Robert Palmieri makes. Read More