Tag: Wall Street

The city has released on the New York City residential condominium market, while analysts at the private firm Portfolio and Property Research (via and ) have released some projections for the metro-area office-building market. Taken together, the ne Read More

At a Crain's breakfast this morning, City Comptroller (and 2009 mayoral candidate) Bill Thompson acknowledged a vital truth. "Budget growth has lately been out of balance with the growth of our local economy. Had we started to tie city spending to [ Read More

As suspected and reported anecdotally, municipal-bond issuance fell off the charts in September and October. Municipal Market Advisors, in its weekly outlook today, notes that such bond issuance was 54 percent below last year's levels for September a Read More

With the city comptroller's office now a loss of 35,000 jobs in New York-based investment banking and other financial services occupations, what's the next thing that will drive profits and employment in a Wall Street recovery?  In a recent "On th Read More

As everyone rushes to conclude that America's financial-regulatory regime is completely broken, the FT has  to say (registration required) about hedge funds whose UK-based assets -- estimated at $65 billion dollars -- were frozen in the Lehma Read More