
Congratulations to President Obama! One of the new president's first tasks will be figuring out how to get Congress to fix the stimulus bill that the House proposed last week. In its current form, the bill won't do much for road and rail infras Read More

New York's huge budget deficit—$15.4 billion in the next 15 months—will force difficult choices in terms of government services and tax policies for years to come. To engage intelligently in that debate, New Yorkers need far more information than we now receive from Albany. Read More

Data point #1. Metropolitan Transportation Authority executive director Elliot Sander and the authority's board members attracted more than 600 people to their marathon six-and-a-half-hour fare-hike and service-cut hearing in Manh Read More

Congressman Anthony Weiner, a probable mayoral candidate, showed yesterday that if he does run, he's going to campaign against Mayor Bloomberg's fiscal record over the past eight years -- and boy, does Weiner have a lot of material. Most startlin Read More

In recent months, states and cities have lobbied for their piece of the bailout pie. Among other requests, they've asked the federal government to support municipal bond markets by directly buying municipal bonds through the new programs that the Tr Read More

If the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is right, Governor David Paterson's economic and fiscal projections for New York State are not gloomy enough.  The CBO expects higher unemployment and a somewhat slower recovery than Paterson's budget has pro Read More

The media treated it as good news when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Local 100 of the Transport Workers Union said last week that they'd settle their next contract through binding arbitration. Read More

New York City's average compensation cost per municipal employee is $106,743, and has grown 63 percent since fiscal year 2000, according to a Citizens Budget Commission (CBC) released yesterday.    While base pay has grown faster than inflation d Read More