Tag: Economy

The days leading up to the presentation of New York State's Executive Budget are traditionally used by the governor's office to leak selected details from the coming proposal. Andrew Cuomo, however, is breaking the mold. Last Friday -- Budget D-Day minus... Read More

Albany tops the list of "America's Most Recession-Proof Cities" in this CNNMoney.com report, based on a recent Brookings Institute paper. So, does this mean New York's Capital Region is a magnet for entrepreneurs and all-round private-sector dynamism? Read More

New York's slow growth during the past decade is reflected in newly released Census Bureau data showing that the Empire State ranked 48th out of 50 states in the creation of new housing units from 2000 to 2009. As illustrated in the chart below... Read More

From the folks who brought you New York's "millionaire tax," it's ... another millionaire tax.  And a stock transfer tax.  And a 50 percent Is this a great state, or what? Read More

You'd think the author of aslamming the "too big to fail" doctrine and calling for smarter financial regulations would find something to like in President Obama's .  But in , Nicole argues that Obama's latest gambit would leave New York with "the w Read More

Some awful ideas just keep turning up. Take, for example, the old state and city stock transfer tax.  The last vestiges of the tax were effectively phased out in 1981, although technically survives due to a weird tax law quirk whose repeal has b Read More

"Wall Street Recovering Faster Than Anticipated" is the headline on today's press release from state Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli's office, heralding a that points to potential record-breaking profitability and lower-than-expected employment losses a Read More

State and local governments increased their borrowing by 8.3 percent on an annualized basis between April and June, according to the Fed flow of funds . While the number isn't eye-popping against the past decade's history, what's unusual is that stat Read More