New York lost another 191,367 residents to other states during the year ending last July 1, and its population declined for the first time in a decade. Read More
Month: July 2016
New York City's Independent Budget Office (IBO) has released its latest data on the distribution of city and state income taxes among city residents—and, once again, the numbers show the tax burden is very light on low- and middle-income residents while relying very heavily on top earners. Read More
The state Public Service Commission has quietly reduced the amount of renewable energy that utilities will have to purchase next year by 94 percent. Read More
Governor Cuomo reportedly has not ruled out an extension of New York's "millionaire tax"—a supposedly temporary added bracket that effectively adds 29 percent to the personal income tax of individuals earning at least $1 million or joint-filing couples earning $2 million. Read More
New York City's move over the next three years to a $15-an-hour minimum wage—the highest ever, after adjusting for inflation—will take the city into uncharted territory, fraught with risks and trade-offs for workers and businesses. Read More
To start the holiday season off on a cheery note, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Monday presented his constituents with an early gift. Read More
New York State’s tax revenues have fallen more than $1 billion behind projections since the current state budget was adopted eight months ago. When the fiscal year starts April 1, it’ll be staring into the gaping maw of at least a $689 million shortfall. Under the circumstances, a new corporate-tax giveaway is the last thing Albany needs. Read More
E.J. McMahon, research director for the conservative Empire Center for Public Policy, said Cuomo will enter the year facing his steepest financial hill since 2011, when he inherited a $9.3 billion shortfall from his predecessor, Gov. David Paterson. Read More